Classic Airstrip Airport
Welcome to Classic Airstrip Airport, located in Jonesboro, Arkansas. This airport is designated for Private use. Permission required prior to landing travel and offers a range of amenities and services to ensure a seamless and efficient experience for all travelers. Should you have any questions or need assistance, the contact information below is readily available.
Contact Information
Mailing Address: M. C. Bunch, 3036 Hwy 158, Jonesboro, Arkansas, 72437Phone: 1-870-237-8278
Airport Details
- Airport Code: 23AR
- Facility Usage: Private
- Location: 35-49-33.2000N 090-32-49.9000W35-49.553333N 090-32.831667W35.8258889,-90.5471944(estimated)
- Elevation: 260 ft. / 79 m (estimated)
- Time Zone: 72401
- Hours of Operation: yes
- Activation Date: 06/2004
- Surface: turf
- Owner: KAREN A. BUNCH TRUST3036 HWY 158LAKE CITY, AR 72437Phone (870) 351-5652
- Manager: KAREN A. BUNCH TRUST3036 HWY 158LAKE CITY, AR 72437Phone (870) 919-5411OTHER CONTACT MARK CARL BUNCH 870-215-2006 OR DONNA SUE QUALLS 870-919-5411
Runways and Fuel Details
Runway Dimensions: 2600 x 80 ft. / 792 x 24 m
Fuel Available:
Runway 17/35
Aircraft Information
- Aircraft Operations:
- Aircrafts on the Field: