Greensburg Municipal Airport
Welcome to Greensburg Municipal Airport, located in Greensburg, Indiana. This airport is designated for Open to the public travel and offers a range of amenities and services to ensure a seamless and efficient experience for all travelers. Should you have any questions or need assistance, the contact information below is readily available.
Contact Information
Mailing Address: Greensburg-Decatur Co Boac, 915 200 W, Greensburg, Indiana, 47240Phone: 1-812-663-5733
Airport Details
- Airport Code: I34
- Facility Usage: Public
- Location: 39-19-36.8800N 085-31-21.0970W39-19.614667N 085-31.351617W39.3269111,-85.5225269(estimated)
- Elevation: 912 ft. / 278.0 m (surveyed)
- Time Zone: UTC -4 (UTC -5 during Standard Time)
- Hours of Operation: MON-FRI ON CALLATTENDANT – AMGR.
- Activation Date: 06/1978
- Surface: asphalt, in good condition
- Owner: GREENSBURG-DECATUR CO BOAC915 S. 200 WGREENSBURG, IN 47240Phone (812) 662-6224
- Manager: JERRY SCHEIDLER3551 N. OLD US 421GREENSBURG, IN 47240Phone 812-593-1677
Runways and Fuel Details
Runway Dimensions: 3433 x 40 ft. / 1046 x 12 m
Fuel Available: 100LL JET-A
Beacon: white-green (lighted land airport)Operates sunset to sunrise.
Runway 18/36
Aircraft Information
- Aircraft Operations: Aircraft operations: avg 67/week *
- Aircrafts on the Field: