Skydive Iowa Airport
Welcome to Skydive Iowa Airport, located in Brooklyn, Iowa. This airport is designated for Private use. Permission required prior to landing travel and offers a range of amenities and services to ensure a seamless and efficient experience for all travelers. Should you have any questions or need assistance, the contact information below is readily available.
Contact Information
Mailing Address: Bruce Kennedy, 919 Sw Creston, Brooklyn, Iowa, 50315Phone: 1-515-282-1788
Airport Details
- Airport Code: 09IA
- Facility Usage: Private
- Location: 41-44-44.9940N 092-24-33.6650W41-44.749900N 092-24.561083W41.7458317,-92.4093514(estimated)
- Elevation: 820 ft. / 249.9 m (surveyed)
- Time Zone: UTC -5 (UTC -6 during Standard Time)
- Hours of Operation: yes
- Activation Date: 02/1964
- Surface: asphalt/turf
- Owner: KACIE BOYD1922 US 6BROOKLYN, IA 52211Phone 515-598-6329
- Manager: KACIE BOYD1922 US 6BROOKLYN, IA 52211Phone 515-598-6329
Runways and Fuel Details
Runway Dimensions: 2700 x 80 ft. / 823 x 24 mRWY 09/27 2600 FT X 20 FT ASPH, REMAINDER TURF.
Fuel Available: NONE
Runway 9/27
Aircraft Information
- Aircraft Operations: Aircraft operations: 100/year *
- Aircrafts on the Field: